Martec launches two exciting new services.
Asset Health Portal and Reliability Nerve Centre to complement service offering.
Condition Monitoring specialists Martec have announced two new services to complement their range of Condition Monitoring (CM) solutions. The Asset Health Portal and Reliability Nerve Centre (RNC) will form the backbone of their in-time monitoring services and reliability improvement initiatives, in support of sustained plant integrity.
Managing Director Johannes Coetzee explains that, traditionally, most CM companies would support clients’ needs by selling handheld CM assessment tools with training related to the application of the tools. In some cases, they would also offer a service where they take samples and data (of mostly mechanical phenomena) at a set frequency on behalf of the client. The data would then be presented as a static report, but because this is a one-sided interpretation, many such reports never get the necessary attention or action.
Coetzee continues: “We enhanced this model by adding specialised electrical CM assessments (eg Partial Discharge, Dissolved Gas Analysis, Power Quality) on critical plant assets such as transformers, switchgear, large motors, large generators, and HV and MV cables, and by performing quality assurance inspection plans before the commissioning of these assets. The latest addition to our offering is the in-time CM monitoring service which is backed by the Asset Health Portal and RNC.”
Coetzee says that advances in the IIoT and sensor technology have made it cost effective to acquire the full set of trending and diagnostic data required to run an effective CM programme on critical assets, whilst also mitigating the health and safety risks and eliminating inaccurate data acquisition practices that result from manual collection of data.
Arveen Gobind, Asset Reliability Executive responsible for the RNC, says it is effectively a control room that monitors, diagnoses and triggers alarms with recommended actions. He explains: “The RNC is an online monitoring solution where key parameters are selected and monitored, and which provides insight to the assets’ condition and risk, related to defect development and potential asset failure.”
Coetzee adds that authorised Martec and client employees can remotely access the system from anywhere in the world. “The data obtained from the monitored parameters is turned into useful information, utilising engineered algorithms. These algorithms even provide automated digital notifications with recommended actions based on failure modes, to improve reliability and availability. Furthermore, a team of experts supports the client and system by performing advanced diagnostic analysis on critical alarm levels, these being significant deviations or breached thresholds. This is a huge benefit as more than one parameter is usually monitored on a critical asset, requiring an expert’s understanding of when the combined result of these parameters indicate that the asset be pulled for maintenance. Such informed interventions are key in the prevention of unplanned outages that could result in significant production and financial losses for the organisation.”
The newly introduced Asset Health Portal manages various asset documents such as drawings, manuals, modifications, commissioning tests, optimisation settings and periodic assessment reports. Gobind explains: “The periodic assessment results are presented in an easily interpretable dashboard per sub-plant with risk level indicators. These risk level indicators are updated and trended with every assessment. Our team also uses additional static data to provide an overall risk ranking of the asset. Comments and recommendations are posted on the platform, indicating where the client should focus their attention on reliability improvement.”
Coetzee believes these new services will have a significant impact on their clients. “Our clients will have visibility of their assets’ condition together with quantified risk levels in real-time, 24/7. Reliability engineers can adopt predictive maintenance tactics which will inevitably lead to reduced downtime and maintenance costs. Simply producing vast amounts of data can be overwhelming. We believe that turning the data into useful information in an easily accessible and interpretable form relates directly to bottom-line value.”
Coetzee says that although their competitors mostly venture into the IIoT by merely interfacing sensors with online platforms and developing dashboards, Martec’s added services will create additional value for their clients’ plant availability and integrity.
In today’s competitive world, ensuring a sustainable business entails empowering employees with outstanding information, knowledge and skills. Martec’s services and tools are supported by SAAMA accredited training courses that are based on detailed studies of what organisations are looking for in accordance with industry job profiles.
Coetzee concludes: “As a member of the Pragma group of companies, Martec is committed to delivering world class reliability enhancement products and engineered asset management solutions to asset intensive enterprises. We pride ourselves on having a highly qualified engaged workforce with a single focus to deliver excellent service to our clients, giving them peace of mind 24/7.”